Genesis 9 — 01-09-15

by Bruce on January 9, 2015

1 Chapter a Day’s take

1 God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth. The fear and terror of you will be in every living creature on the earth, every bird of the sky, every creature that crawls on the ground, and all the fish of the sea. They are placed under your authority.

There were a lot of changes that occurred after the flood. Verse 2 tells us that creatures would now be afraid of people (animals, birds and people all being comfortable with other would have made being together in the ark for a year much easier!).  I have had a lot of children over the years ask about animals on the ark, specifically wondering if there were dinosaurs on the ark. The answer is simple–yes, there were dinosaurs on the ark. They were probably only a year or two old so that they would fit on the boat better! :)

The earth was very different after the flood and the lifespan of people went from around 900 to a maximum of 120. It makes sense that the changes would have affected the birds and animals as well.  Some of them struggled to thrive in the new environment, and species going extinct has been happening ever since the flood. One of the things I learned when reading about dinosaurs is that the word dinosaur was not coined until the 1800’s when a skeleton was found. It is very possible that references to dragons throughout history are actually referring to real creatures– dinosaurs. (I’m pretty sure the flying part was an exaggeration.)

I’m awed by the beauty of the birds and animals God created. And I love my little dog who is always so happy to see me!

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