09-05-12…1 Samuel 23

by Bruce on September 5, 2012

1 Chapter a Day’s take

It was reported to David that the Philistines were raiding Keilah and looting the grain. David went in prayer to God: “Should I go after these Philistines and teach them a lesson?” Verses 1 & 2

When David received a troubling report he prayed! He did not call a friend for advice. He did not fret. He didn’t pretend there was no problem. David prayed to God.

What is the first thing you do when you receive a troubling report?

Oh, and take note of what David said in his prayer –he asked God a question. He fully expected God to answer. And he was willing to obey God no matter what God’s answer was. So hear is today’s lesson in “shorthand.”

  1. Got problems?
  2. Pray!
  3. Expect God to answer…
  4. Obey quickly once God speaks!

What is your take?

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