08-03-12…John 8

by Bruce on August 3, 2012

1 Chapter a Day’s take:

The religion scholars and Pharisees led a woman who had been caught in the act of adultery to a public place. Jesus was there along with many other people. They put Jesus on the spot with a challenging theological question in regards to this woman’s lifestyle. In addition to their desire to prove Jesus wrong, they also wanted to humiliate this woman publicly, condemn her, and stone her to death!

Jesus reversed the tables and put them on the spot. They walked away. He then said to this woman who was no doubt embarrassed and humiliated: Does no one condemn you? Neither do I. Go your way. From now on, don’t sin. Verses 10 & 11.

Jesus offered grace, not condemnation. He then added, from now on, don’t sin. Jesus is concerned about our lifestyle. But he is more concerned about our attitude. He was far more critical of the Pharisees than he was of this woman who had been living in sin. Their lifestyle looked good on the surface, but their attitudes sucked!

Note: I used to word “sucked” strategically. Did it cause you to pause with a “critical” thought toward my choice of words? Just giving you a “gut check” to see if you have a little bit of Pharisee in you. (Personal opinion: we all have a little of Pharisee in us. But we need to “cut it out” as if it were cancer)!

My take away today: I will work on having a grace based attitude toward others. I will also work on overcoming personal sin.

What is your take?

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