07-28-12…Proverbs 31

by Bruce on July 28, 2012

1 Chapter a Day’s take

The last half of this chapter gives us a portrait of a godly woman. But make no mistake…the virtues mentioned in this chapter are great virtues for men to have too!

The description of this woman is of a person that:

  1. is trusted by her spouse
  2. is generous
  3. is a smart shopper
  4. is a hard worker
  5. is organized
  6. is up early
  7. helps the poor
  8. does not procrastinate
  9. earns income
  10. is committed to excellence
  11. is wise with her words
  12. keeps her family busy and productive

As a result of her chosen lifestyle we see three amazing results:

  1. She has a great self-esteem.
  2. She is respected by her children
  3. She is admired by her husband.

Though this list can be overwhelming, it is a great list of qualities that can be worked toward. Pick one thing from this list and begin working on it today. Practice it consistently for a month. Then add another quality for the next month and so on. In 1 year, you will be habitually living like this! I am not suggesting that anyone can be perfect. But we can all design a strategy for personal growth.

What is your take?

Leave comments below. Be brief. Read the comments of others. Interact with them. Be encouraging.


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