02-01-12…Mark 6…The Consequences of Unbelief

by Bruce on February 1, 2012

1 Chapter a Day’s Take

Jesus wasn’t able to do much of anything there...he couldn’t get over their stubbornness…He left and made a circuit of other villages, teaching. (verses 5 & 6, The Message).

Jesus was in his hometown. This is where he played on the streets as a young boy. People knew him and his family. They saw him as a neighbor, not as God. They were filled with doubt. And they missed out! Their unbelief “limited” what Jesus could do there. Though technically, God could have done many miracles there, he typically limits himself to the belief (or lack thereof) of people. The people of Nazareth missed out on amazing miracles. And since their unbelief was so prevalent…JESUS LEFT!

Jesus prefers to hang out with those who believe. “Jesus I believe…and please help my confidence in you to be complete and to grow stronger each day!”

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