09-08-12…Proverbs 6 — Debt Stinks — Saving Rocks!

by Bruce on September 8, 2012

1 Chapter a Day’s take

This chapter is full of amazing truths that will help you to bless others, and enjoy life. I want to focus on two of those truths:

  1. Debt Stinks — this Proverb was written several centuries before Christ was born…and long before credit cards were introduced to this world. But back in those days, there were ways for people to borrow money and go in debt, such as borrowing from a friend, neighbor, family member, or stranger. The first five verses of this chapter basically say: “Get out of debt as quickly as possible. Run for your life. Don’t procrastinate this! Escape before it is too late!” Though the Bible does not prohibit debt, it discourages debt repeatedly. If you want to get out of debt QUICK, I recommend The Debtonator Course! I wrote it and in the spirit of full disclosure, I earn money when someone purchases it…but I guarantee, you will get 1000 times your investment back by applying the principles from this course…or I will send your money back! No questions asked! You can check out the course by clicking here.
  2. Saving Rocks — In verses 6 – 11, we are encouraged to learn from the ant. The bottom line of this entire lesson is: Don’t be lazy. Work hard. Save for the future. Take advantage of opportunities to meet future financial needs now…so when the need arrives, you will be ready! If you want information about my favorite investment option, just email me at bruceammons@mac.com.

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