09-04-12…1 Samuel 18

by Bruce on September 4, 2012

1 Chapter a Day’s take

Whatever Saul gave David to do, he did it—and did it well. Verse 5

When  you are given a job, do you do it? Do you procrastinate it? Do you attempt to “get out of it?” Do you “accidentally” forget to do the job? Had David responded in any of these ways, we would have never heard of him. But he didn’t! He took action on what he was given to do!

And, he wasn’t lazy when performing the task. He did not just do the job so it would be “good enough.” He did the job well. He did not take short cuts. He did not find excuses. He simply did the job and did it well — and he lived his life like this consistently!

Would you like for God to use you in a mighty way? Do the work and do it well!

What is your take?

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