08-29-12…1 Samuel 9

by Bruce on August 29, 2012

1 Chapter a Day’s take

Saul is a young man from the smallest of Israel’s tribes, and from the most insignificant clan in the tribe. He is sent out by his father to look for some lost donkeys. He is approached by God’s #1 leader and basically told “You are going to be the King of Israel. Israel’s future is in your hands!”

Wow! God has HUGE plans for people who have no idea what God is up to. Any ordinary day…like today…when you are searching for your lost keys, going to the Drive-thru at Burger King for a .50 cent ice cream cone, picking up the kids from school, shopping for groceries, browsing the internet, or mowing the lawn, you could receive an assignment from God. And God could literally change the world through you.

Ready or not, here God comes!

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