06-20-12…1st John 1

by Bruce on June 20, 2012


This is the book of First John (1st John). This is not the Gospel of John (4th book in the New Testament). This book is found in the New Testament after 2nd Peter.

1 Chapter a Day’s take:

Your joy will double our joy! Verse 4

If we can learn to rejoice when good things happen to other people, we will be happy most of the time…because good things are happening to other people all the time. But if we only rejoice when good things happen to us…we may find difficulty finding consistent happiness. And if we become envious when good things happen to others, we will certainly not experience happiness.

I know there is a difference between happiness and joy. However, learning to rejoice with others when good things happen to them leads to both!

Are you having a tough day? Find someone who is having a great day. Find out why. Don’t drag them down. Don’t be jealous. Ask God to help you rejoice with them! Be happy for them. Learn to enjoy seeing their happiness. Your life will never be the same!

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