01-17-12…Genesis 42

by Bruce on January 17, 2012

Genesis 42…Joseph’s Brothers Go To Egypt

The goal of 1 Chapter a Day is not to fill your brain with content. But, rather to look for God to drop a “nugget of truth” into your heart from each reading. This should be something you can apply to your life. The Bible is not simply a book to be learned…it is a book to be lived!

1 Chapter a Day’s take on Genesis 42

FYI…We will finish the story of Joseph this week. Then we will be back in Psalms on the weekend, Proverbs on Monday, and we will begin reading the New Testament book of Mark next week.

In verse 21 we find the brother’s of Joseph talking among themselves. They conclude “Now we’re paying for what we did to our brother–we saw how terrified he was when he was begging us for mercy. We wouldn’t listen to him and now we’re the ones in trouble.” Then Ruben adds, “we’re paying for his murder.”

This event occurred 20 years after Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery. They assumed he was dead. Apparently they were still dealing with the guilt of selling him. Once they encountered trouble they immediately concluded they were being paid back for what they did to Joseph many years prior.

Their sin from years before was still on their mind. They interpreted all of life through the grid of their past sin. This had to be a miserable way for them to live.

Though we all suffer consequences for sin, thank God he forgives us. I am reminded of how grateful I am for what Jesus did so I can live a life of peace (in spite of my sin and the accompanying consequences) instead of a life of fear as Joseph’s brothers were experiencing.

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