01-03-12…Read Philippians 1

by Bruce on January 3, 2012

Philippians 1

The goal of 1 Chapter a Day is not to fill your brain with content. But, rather to look for God to drop a “nugget of truth” into your heart from each reading. This should be something you can apply to your life. The Bible is not simply a book to be learned…it is a book to be lived!

1 Chapter a Day’s take on Philippians 1:

I am blown away by Paul’s attitude in verses 15-21. “Greedy” preachers attempted to step into the preaching spotlight since Paul was in prison. They had bad motives and were preaching to get something out of it for themselves. Paul cheered them on…not because of their motives, but because Christ was proclaimed. He realized God does not use people because of who they are. He uses people in spite of who they are.

What is your take? Leave comments below. Be brief. Read the comments of others. Interact with them. Encouraging comments only please.


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