12-14-11 Read Proverbs 1

by Bruce on December 14, 2011

Proverbs 1

The goal of 1 Chapter a Day is not to fill your brain with content. But, rather to read a chapter of the Bible each day while looking for God to drop a “nugget of truth” into your heart. This should be something you can apply to your life.

1 Chapter a Day’s take on Proverbs 1:

  • The purpose of the book of Proverbs is to be a manual for living (verse 3)
  • Bowing down to God (humility) is the first step in experiencing a quality life (verse 7)
  • Wisdom is not hiding from me. It is shouting and is available for the taking (verse 20)
  • Wisdom is ready to pour her spirit on me and tell me all she knows (verse 23)
  • Once I have paid attention to wisdom and adjusted my life to live accordingly, I can relax…take it easy…I am in good hands! (verse 33)

What is your take? Leave comments below. Be brief. Read the comments of others. Interact with them. Encouraging comments only please.


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